Tuesday, February 27, 2007

2007 Academy Awards Special: Jennifer Hudson

I love Jennifer Hudson's story. She is the ultimate poster girl of the underdogs, the overlooked and the avengers. I mean, she is an American Idol reject, she is not actually sexy in the Hollywood way, and surely, she can sing but there are other singer out there that can actually give her a run for her money or growl and grunt better than her " I'm No Leaving Without You" song she sang on Dreamgirls.
But who would have thought that this "nobody" would sweep all acting tropies from almost all major acting award-giving body, land herself a cover from VOGUE and snatch an Oscar for her first ever movie role. That is AWESOME.
But that, doesn't give her the slightest right, to STEAL my little brother's silver cowboy jacket costume. I mean he was supposed to wear it on his 6th birthday as a Lone Ranger and Silver crossbreed rolled into one little tyke. Imagine the horror when I saw it on Hudson wearing it to the Oscars. Golly wow, how did that lil' thing fit on her?
Give that jacket to my lil' brother Jennifer! For one, STEALING is not a good thing. TWO, making little kids lose their appetite and cry the whole week is unforgivable. So give us that jacket back. It doesn't fit you and it looks horrible on your dress. You looked like a Black Grecian Goddess crossbred with Cowgirl's Got The Blues sort of girl. GIVE IT BACK! GIVE IT BACK!

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